Who Do You Think You Are?
Your natural state is one of ease, harmony, and grace.
Peace and Love are always available to you. In fact, you ARE Love. When you fully know the truth of yourSelf, you can live a life that expresses and reflects that -- and you live with a feeling that you are infinitely lovable. You can live with no more need to struggle or strive; free from the bondage of trying to prove yourself or your worth. When you return to full alignment in the Truth of yourSelf, you can: -Move through your life with ease and harmony -Have clarity -Live in purpose and contribution -Experience peace, love, joy, and happiness Do you know the one thing that's responsible for
everything you feel ever hasn't worked out for you, and seems to hinder your progress as you return to Truth? That one thing is a mistaken identity An identity that says you are something other than what you truly are An identity that says you are broken, worthless, less than, not enough, wrong, no good ... You may have thought you have an inner saboteur, but the truth is that you never harm or attack yourself What does happen, is that mistaken identity always seeks for your experience to match itself. For example, a core mistaken identity of worthlessness will not allow an experience of abundance, because it doesn't match. A core mistaken identity of "less than" will not allow an experience of "more than enough" and overflowing, because it doesn't match. If you have been experiencing any level of striving or struggling, have you asked yourself what you're trying to prove? Are you aware of what you are working so hard to keep at bay? How much of your energy is being used to avoid what some part of you believes about your identity? But what if "the worst" doesn't hold the power you thought it did? Join me for a new group journey to bring all of what has held power by remaining hidden out into the light of your Awareness, to be returned to Love ... leaving you free to live fully as the True light of yourSelf This topic is so crucial that I put everything else on hold to deliver this first And it is so important for you to address and unravel this, that you can register now and pay later - and choose your own price! "Who Do You Think You Are?"
1 Month Group Immersion May 21 - June 21 |
Rebecca Quave is a vibrant, intuitive, spiritual teacher; energetically supporting people throughout the world in rediscovering the love they already are and fully crystallizing and embodying their purpose.
Rebecca is a catalyst of personal transformation. She guides and supports you in unraveling exactly what’s in the way of embodying and expressing the expansive love and unlimited potential you truly are. Her natural gift of activating you to your highest truth creates profound shifts quickly and easily. After spending years caught up in the exhausting hamster wheel of perfectionism, Rebecca began unraveling all that had seemingly kept her trapped - only to discover the indescribable, life transforming love that was already there. She embarked on a life-changing journey resembling the metaphoric change of a butterfly’s magical transformation. Instinctively she knew a caterpillar with wings could never fly. Yet, much like a butterfly she went into the cocoon of her essence. Recognizing and unraveling the structure she thought she was, she rediscovered the love she is and always was. Integrating her life altering transformation, she emerged with the inner realization that everything had changed and nothing had changed; for Love is All there is. Are you ready to step into the possibility of life being more than you thought could be possible? Join Rebecca in an experiential journey of profound inner transformation. Integrate your internal shifts and experience the liberating freedom of being more of who you are and the love you’ve always been. |