"What a call! Thank you. That was/is really good. I have been feeling a lot of energy in my Heart chakra lately and this gave it even more room. I am feeling pinned to the bed by my heart. The warmth is deep and penetrating as I write this to you. It seems to be spreading in all directions. Lovely. If you need me, I am resting in this heart fire." |
"My experience with the call is one of feeling so much space and openness in my being. A sense of peace and confidence so pervasive, right and true. I felt as if I knew what to do that was most loving and kind. I had no hesitation in being in action. It felt natural. I felt free to be me, as if I am the sacred space of it all." |
"The work seemed like it was both so big and important and yet so simple. I don’t think I ever realized that any emotion, thought or feeling is the path. It almost felt like a whole new way to look at it and also very familiar." |
"This truly was an amazing call, Rebecca! Thank You for facilitating this call and sharing your Gifts with the World! |
Basic Option Includes:
- Live calls include activations, group processes, interactive Q&A, and support from Rebecca - Amplify your experience with the powerful energy created within the group - Progressively deepen your experience, as each session builds on the previous ones - Replay access for each session
- Use this audio as often as you like - to instantly help you shift and integrate
Custom Option Includes:
This course IS for you if:If you are ready to take a fresh, curious look at yourself and your experience… If you’re willing to set aside what you think you already know about your feelings, to experience something completely new… If you embrace guidance and support, and you’re willing to let yourself receive… then this course will be an amazing experience for you! |
This course is not for you if:If you want me to wave a magic wand to make you feel better or change your circumstances, this isn’t for you. What I’m guiding you back into is something which no one can give you and no one can take away from you. If you’re looking for a band-aid or quick fix because you’re convinced that your situation is the source of your discomfort, then this isn’t for you. |
"Life IS SO DIFFERENT for me today.
I love me in a way that I could not have imagined when I started working with you.
I experience so much JOY in being ME! I feel how truly delightful I am--ALL of me!
It amazes me, how relaxed my body feels now that I do not live like I am at war with and need to fix everything outside my beliefs of what is good. It is magnificent to experience the ease and harmony that has come from welcoming everything and seeing it ALL as the Oneness of love!
More and more I feel the flow and support of me, for me, for all that is the ever unfolding expansive nature that I am and the more I remember that everything is love...I become more in love with everything and take more delight in the joy of playing with the diversity of it ALL!!
I am a different person than the one who started the course less than 30 days ago.
I have absolutely LOVED the group work and gained SO SO MUCH from listening to others being supported by you as well as all of our energy supporting one another as we journeyed with intention together. I can't wait to see where we will go next!!!!”
- H.U.
"Rebecca offers the highest truth in the most accessible way. She always keeps things light, easy, and real. While working with her, it feels to me like a bridge is built between my highest understanding and my current perception.
This has allowed me to deepen my experience of a peace and love beyond description, while at the same time witnessing changes in my life that I could have previously only wished for.
To name just a few: a far greater natural appreciation of myself, smoother and happier relationships, feeling at home in my body and life, and generally living a life that is punctuated by miracles, rather than blanketed by a nondescript "stuckness" that I had felt before working with her."
- L.R. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
"The entire course-everything- You; the exercises; the others in the course; the ones who shared and those who actively participated, but didn’t necessarily speak up; and my decision to do everything, to hear everything and to explore everything; brought me everything I needed to give loving attention to the suppressed and misunderstood energy I experienced as a babe in the womb.
That locked-in, shut-down energy was the first thing I superimposed on myself and then through my life, thousands and thousands of things were built and connected to it as I tried to understand and find meaning.
Now that that energy has been liberated, everything built on top of it, everything attached to it has fallen away. The structure of separation built from confusion and misunderstanding; re absorbed back into the harmony of the all.
I don’t want anything, I lack nothing. :-)
I know thoughts and feelings will arise because I’m creating them or taking them in from my environment, but today I saw so clearly while listening to one of the sessions of our course, that to reject, or resist any thought, feeling, or sensation is a rejecting, and resisting of myself, and that’s not loving. Now there is a tender compassion and the wonderful experience of looking and listening without expectation or judgement that this course brought me to.
Thank you so much Rebecca for all you are and all you do."
"Shortly after beginning the course with Rebecca, I went from a three year financial dry spell into landing the highest paid position I have ever been offered. Less than a month later I was offered an unexpected pay raise and bonuses. Each day aspects of my life are noticeably getting lighter and easier. Thank you Rebecca!"
- G.W., Mental Health Professional
Rebecca Quave is a vibrant, intuitive, spiritual teacher; energetically supporting people throughout the world in rediscovering the love they already are and fully crystallizing and embodying their purpose.
Rebecca is a catalyst of personal transformation. She guides and supports you in unraveling exactly what’s in the way of embodying and expressing the expansive love and unlimited potential you truly are. Her natural gift of activating you to your highest truth creates profound shifts quickly and easily. After spending years caught up in the exhausting hamster wheel of perfectionism, Rebecca began unraveling all that had seemingly kept her trapped - only to discover the indescribable, life-transforming love that was already there. She embarked on a life-changing journey resembling the metaphoric change of a butterfly’s magical transformation. Instinctively she knew a caterpillar with wings could never fly. Yet, much like a butterfly she went into the cocoon of her essence. Recognizing and unraveling the structure she thought she was, she rediscovered the love she is and always was. Integrating her life altering transformation, she emerged with the inner realization that everything had changed and nothing had changed; for Love is All there is. |